deepquantum.mbqc package#


deepquantum.mbqc.command module#

MBQC commands

class deepquantum.mbqc.command.Node(nodes: int | List[int])#


Node (qubit) preparation command.


nodes (int or List[int]) – The indices of the nodes to prepare.

forward(x: GraphState) GraphState#

Perform a forward pass by adding SubGraphState in the GraphState.

class deepquantum.mbqc.command.Entanglement(node1: int, node2: int)#


Entanglement command.

  • node1 (int) – The first node index.

  • node2 (int) – The second node index.

forward(x: GraphState) GraphState#

Perform a forward pass by adding an edge in the GraphState.

class deepquantum.mbqc.command.Measurement(nodes: int | List[int], plane: str = 'xy', angle: Any = 0.0, s_domain: int | Iterable[int] | None = None, t_domain: int | Iterable[int] | None = None, requires_grad: bool = False)#


Measurement command.

  • nodes (int or List[int]) – The indices of the nodes to measure.

  • plane (str, optional) – The measurement plane ('xy', 'yz' or 'zx'). Default: 'xy'

  • angle (Any, optional) – The measurement angle in radians. Default: 0.

  • s_domain (Union[int, Iterable[int], None], optional) – The indices of the nodes that contribute to signal domain s. Default: None

  • t_domain (Union[int, Iterable[int], None], optional) – The indices of the nodes that contribute to signal domain t. Default: None

  • requires_grad (bool, optional) – Whether the parameter is nn.Parameter or buffer. Default: False (which means buffer)

inputs_to_tensor(inputs: Any | None = None) Tensor#

Convert inputs to torch.Tensor.

forward(x: GraphState) GraphState#

Perform a forward pass by measuring the GraphState.

init_para(angle: Any | None = None) None#

Initialize the parameters.

class deepquantum.mbqc.command.Correction(nodes: int | List[int], basis: str = 'x', domain: int | Iterable[int] | None = None)#


Correction command.

  • nodes (int or List[int]) – The indices of the nodes to correct.

  • basis (str, optional) – The type of correction ('x' or 'z'). Default: 'x'

  • domain (Union[int, Iterable[int], None], optional) – The indices of the nodes that contribute to signal domain s. Default: None

forward(x: GraphState) GraphState#

Perform a forward pass by correcting the GraphState.

deepquantum.mbqc.operation module#

Base classes

class deepquantum.mbqc.operation.Operation(name: str | None = None, nodes: int | List[int] | None = None)#


A base class for quantum operations.

  • name (str or None, optional) – The name of the quantum operation. Default: None

  • nodes (int, List[int] or None, optional) – The indices of the nodes that the quantum operation acts on. Default: None

class deepquantum.mbqc.operation.Command(name: str, nodes: int | List[int])#


A base class for MBQC commands.

  • name (str) – The name of the command.

  • nodes (int or List[int]) – The indices of the nodes that the command acts on.

forward(x: GraphState) GraphState#

Perform a forward pass.

deepquantum.mbqc.pattern module#

Measurement pattern

class deepquantum.mbqc.pattern.Pattern(nodes_state: int | List[int] | None = None, state: Any = 'plus', edges: List | None = None, nodes: int | List[int] | None = None, name: str | None = None)#


Measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC) pattern.

A Pattern represents a measurement-based quantum computation, which consists of a sequence of commands (node preparation, entanglement, measurement, and correction) applied to qubits arranged in a graph structure.

  • nodes_state (int, List[int] or None) – The nodes of the input state in the subgraph. It can be an integer representing the number of nodes or a list of node indices. Default: None.

  • state (Any, optional) – The initial state of the subgraph. Default: 'plus'.

  • edges (List or None, optional) – Additional edges connecting the nodes in the subgraph. Default: None.

  • nodes (int, List[int] or None, optional) – Additional nodes to include in the subgraph. Default: None.

  • name (str or None, optional) – The name of the pattern. Default: None

Ref: V. Danos, E. Kashefi and P. Panangaden. J. ACM 54.2 8 (2007)

forward(data: Tensor | None = None, state: GraphState | None = None) Tensor#

Perform a forward pass of the MBQC pattern and return the final graph state.

  • data (torch.Tensor or None, optional) – The input angle data for the encoders. Default: None

  • state (GraphState or None, optional) – The initial state for the pattern. Default: None


The final graph state of the pattern after applying the commands.



add_graph(nodes_state: int | List[int] | None = None, state: Any = 'plus', edges: List | None = None, nodes: int | List[int] | None = None, index: int | None = None) None#

Add a subgraph to the graph state.

  • nodes_state (int, List[int] or None) – The nodes of the input state in the subgraph. It can be an integer representing the number of nodes or a list of node indices. Default: None.

  • state (Any, optional) – The initial state of the subgraph. Default: 'plus'.

  • edges (List or None, optional) – Additional edges connecting the nodes in the subgraph. Default: None.

  • nodes (int, List[int] or None, optional) – Additional nodes to include in the subgraph. Default: None.

  • measure_dict (Dict, optional) – A dictionary to record measurement results. Default: None.

  • index (int or None, optional) – The index where to insert the subgraph. Default: None.

add(op: Operation, encode: bool = False) None#

A method that adds an operation to the MBQC pattern.

  • op (Operation) – The operation to add. It is an instance of Operation class or its subclasses, such as Node, or Measurement.

  • encode (bool) – Whether the command encodes data. Default: False

encode(data: Tensor | None) None#

Encode the input data into measurement angle as parameters.

This method iterates over the encoders of the pattern(encode=True measurements) and initializes their parameters with the input data. The input data must be at least as long as the number of parameters in the encoders.


data (torch.Tensor or None) – The input data for the encoders, must be a 1D tensor.


AssertionError – If input data is shorter than the number of parameters in the encoders.

n(node: int | List[int])#

Add a new node to the pattern.


node (int or List[int]) – Index or list of indices for the new node.

e(node: List[int])#

Add an entanglement operators on two nodes in the pattern.


node (List[int]) – A list of two integers specifying the nodes to entangle. Must reference existing nodes in the pattern.

m(node: int, plane: str | None = 'xy', angle: float = 0.0, t_domain: int | Iterable[int] | None = None, s_domain: int | Iterable[int] | None = None, encode: bool = False)#

Add a measurement operation to the pattern.

  • node (int) – The node to measure.

  • plane (str, optional) – Measurement plane (‘xy’, ‘yz’, or ‘xz’). Defaults to ‘xy’.

  • angle (float) – Measurement angle in radians. Defaults to 0.

  • t_domain (int, Iterable[int] or None], optional) – List of nodes that contribute to the Z correction. Default: None

  • s_domain (int, Iterable[int] or None], optional) – List of nodes that contribute to the X correction. Default: None

  • encode (bool) – Whether to encode angle. Default: False.

c_x(node: int, domain: int | Iterable[int] | None = None)#

Add an X correction operation to the pattern.

  • node (int) – The node to apply the X correction.

  • domain (int, Iterable[int] or None], optional) – List of nodes on which the signal depends. Default: None

c_z(node: int, domain: int | Iterable[int] | None = None)#

Add a Z correction operation to the pattern.

  • node (int) – The node to apply the Z correction.

  • domain (int, Iterable[int] or None], optional) – List of nodes on which the signal depends. Default: None

draw(width: int = 4)#

Draw the MBQC pattern.

is_standard() bool#

Determine whether the command sequence is standard.


A bool value, True if the pattern follows NEMC standardization, False otherwise


Standardize the command sequence into NEMC form.

This function reorders operations into the standard form: - Node preparations (N) - Entanglement operations (E) - Measurement operations (M) - Correction operations (C)

It handles the propagation of correction operations by: 1. Moving X-corrections through entanglements (generating Z-corrections) 2. Moving corrections through measurements (modifying measurement signal domains) 3. Collecting remaining corrections at the end

See Ch.(5.4)

shift_signals() Dict#

Perform signal shifting procedure. This allows one to dispose of dependencies induced by the Z-action, and obtain sometimes standard patterns with smaller computational depth complexity.

It handles the propagation of signal shifting commands by: 1. Extracting signals via t_domain(in XY plane cases) of measurements. 2. Moving signals to the left, through modifying other measurements and corrections.


A signal dictionary including all the signal shifting commands.

See Ch.(5.5)

deepquantum.mbqc.state module#

Quantum states

class deepquantum.mbqc.state.SubGraphState(nodes_state: int | List[int] | None = None, state: Any = 'plus', edges: List | None = None, nodes: int | List[int] | None = None)#


A subgraph state of a quantum state.

  • nodes_state (int, List[int] or None, optional) – The nodes of the input state in the subgraph. It can be an integer representing the number of nodes or a list of node indices. Default: None.

  • state (Any, optional) – The initial state of the subgraph. Default: 'plus'.

  • edges (List or None, optional) – Additional edges connecting the nodes in the subgraph. Default: None.

  • nodes (int, List[int] or None, optional) – Additional nodes to include in the subgraph. Default: None.

property nodes#

Nodes of the graph.

property edges#

Edges of the graph.

property full_state: Tensor#

Compute and return the full quantum state of the subgraph.

set_graph(nodes_state: int | List[int] | None = None, edges: List | None = None, nodes: int | List[int] | None = None) None#

Set the graph structure for the subgraph state.

set_state(state: Any = 'plus') None#

Set the quantum state of the subgraph.

add_nodes(nodes: int | List[int]) None#

Add nodes to the subgraph.

add_edges(edges: List) None#

Add edges to the subgraph.

shift_labels(n: int) None#

Shift the labels of the nodes in the graph by a given integer.

compose(other: SubGraphState, relabel: bool = True) SubGraphState#

Compose this subgraph state with another subgraph state.

  • other (SubGraphState) – The other subgraph state to compose with.

  • relabel (bool, optional) – Whether to relabel nodes to avoid conflicts. Default: True.


A new subgraph state that is the composition of the two.



update_node2wire_dict() Dict#

Update the mapping from nodes to wire indices.


A dictionary mapping nodes to their corresponding wire indices.




Draw the graph using NetworkX.

class deepquantum.mbqc.state.GraphState(nodes_state: int | List[int] | None = None, state: Any = 'plus', edges: List | None = None, nodes: int | List[int] | None = None)#


A graph state composed by several SubGraphStates.

  • nodes_state (int, List[int] or None, optional) – The nodes of the input state in the subgraph. It can be an integer representing the number of nodes or a list of node indices. Default: None.

  • state (Any, optional) – The initial state of the subgraph. Default: 'plus'.

  • edges (List or None, optional) – Additional edges connecting the nodes in the subgraph. Default: None.

  • nodes (int, List[int] or None, optional) – Additional nodes to include in the subgraph. Default: None.

add_subgraph(nodes_state: int | List[int] | None = None, state: Any = 'plus', edges: List | None = None, nodes: int | List[int] | None = None, measure_dict: Dict | None = None, index: int | None = None) None#

Add a subgraph to the graph state.

  • nodes_state (int, List[int] or None, optional) – The nodes of the input state in the subgraph. It can be an integer representing the number of nodes or a list of node indices. Default: None.

  • state (Any, optional) – The initial state of the subgraph. Default: 'plus'.

  • edges (List or None, optional) – Additional edges connecting the nodes in the subgraph. Default: None.

  • nodes (int, List[int] or None, optional) – Additional nodes to include in the subgraph. Default: None.

  • measure_dict (Dict or None, optional) – A dictionary to record measurement results. Default: None.

  • index (int or None, optional) – The index where to insert the subgraph. Default: None.

property graph: SubGraphState#

The combined graph of all subgraphs.

property measure_dict: Dict#

A dictionary containing all measurement results for the graph state.

Module contents#

MBQC Module